Frequently Asked Questions

The Arc of Texas is a statewide public policy and advocacy organization that focuses on systemic advocacy in Texas to make positive changes for a whole group of people rather than one individual. However, we do provide some information and referral assistance. Your inquiries help inform us of current systemic issues Texans with disabilities are facing.

The following frequently asked questions provide general information and resources on topics The Arc of Texas team receives the most inquiries about.

Disability Services in Texas

Most Requested Resources

What special education rights does my child with intellectual and developmental disabilities have?

IDEA Manual: A Guide for Texas Parents and Students on Special Education Rights: Plan your child’s education with this overview of requirements of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), intended to ensure all students with disabilities receive a free appropriate public education (FAPE).

What is guardianship and are there alternatives?

Alternatives to Guardianship: Many Texans with IDD are placed under full guardianship despite having the ability to make their own choices. Explore biases in guardianship cases, alternatives to guardianship, and next steps needed to protect the rights of Texans with IDD.

Can people with intellectual and developmental disabilities work?

I’d Rather Be Working Guide: Work is a fundamental part of adulthood, and people with IDD have skills the workforce needs! This is a roadmap to understanding how you can work with your disability – how to get a job, navigate benefits like Medicaid and Social Security, and find employment services..

How do I get a Medicaid Home and Community Based Services Waiver?

Medicaid Home and Community Based Services Waivers: A waiver helps people with disabilities live and work in their community, instead of living in an institution – but hundreds of thousands of Texans are waiting on a waiver. Learn more about waivers, check your place on the list(s), or learn how to sign up for waivers.

What do I need to know if I am moving to Texas?

Moving to Texas Resources: Wondering about insurance, medical care, services, school, equipment and more? Find answers and connect with other parents of children with disabilities through Navigate Life Texas. Additionally, you can find your Local Intellectual and Developmental Disability Authority.